GRAND-PM Computerized Maintenance Management System
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GRAND-PM Installation

GRAND-PM is a 32 bit application designed to work on Windows 95/98/NT/2000 operating systems.

GRAND-PM for Windows is a File/Server application.

Here is how GRAND-PM is installed on the network:

All application files and data files reside on the file server. Typically the directory structure of the application on the file server is as follows (presuming that the application is installed on drive F:):

F:\GRANDPM Directory where all application files are installed.
F:\GRANDPM\GRAPHICS Directory where application supporting graphics are installed
F:\GRANDPM\DATA Directory where data files are installed.
F:\GRANDPM\SETUP Directory contains the SETUP.EXE program used to install run-time libraries and DLLs on each PC using GRAND-PM Windows.

Setting up PC to use GRAND-PM

Each client (PC) using GRAND-PM for Windows has to be "initialized" first by running program SETUP.EXE from the directory F:\GRANDPM\SETUP\. The SETUP.EXE program installs run-time libraries and DLLs required to be installed on the PC in order to use GRAND-PM.

The client (PC) using GRAND-PM for Windows has a shortcut pointing to the file GPMWIN.EXE in directory F:\GRANDPM. That is, the client PC runs GRAND-PM application and data files from the file server.

PC/Client Hardware Requirements:

PC or 100%-compatible computer
Pentium processor
Windows 95/98/NT/2000
64 MB of RAM or more

DIMA Litvak Corporation
Development of Intuitive Maintenance Automation Since 1986
Copyright © 1986 - 2002 DIMA Litvak Corporation. All rights reserved.
GRAND-PM is a trademark of DIMA Litvak Corporation.